A new year brings new opportunity! Do this one thing to take advantage...

Spend one weekend alone to make plans for a full and well-intentioned life.

In 2022, I spent a December weekend in Alameda’s beautiful Gold Coast neighborhood.

What started during Covid-19 as a need for some “me time” has become an important, life planning event.

Some do it at the turn of the year. Others do it close to their birthday. My birthday is January 8, so I guess I do both!

I spent a recent December weekend at a local Airbnb reflecting on 2022 and making plans for 2023.

It was an entire weekend for me. An entire weekend not stuck in the daily grind. An entire weekend spent appreciating 2022 and dreaming about 2023.

Think of it as a strategic planning offsite…for you.

I recommend you do it.

Now in my 3rd year, I have insights.

One insight I didn’t expect is how the weekend helps me segment years. Before taking my annual trip, the years ran together.

Now, my life has chapters. The chapters help me fight time which has accelerated as I age. How is my son 11 years old, already?

My second insight tackles how to make the trip’s significance stick.

I propose keeping your life’s plan for the year simple. I prepare 4-5 goals for the year in a Google doc or in Word. You might even choose to handwrite your plan.

Either way, make a hard copy and display it at your desk. Don’t tuck away your life goals for the year!

Please feel free to use my template. I call it my “One Year Life Planning Guide”. You can access it here.

My life’s 46th chapter (2022) started at this humble Airbnb in Forestville, CA.

And one final insight. I find it helpful to create a personal theme for the year. For example, looking back…

My 2021 theme was Lay a solid personal financial groundwork. This translated to 1) Prepare a wealth plan, 2) Learn to invest better, and 3) Become tax efficient.

My 2022 theme was Simplify life by targeting the best opportunities. This translated to 1) Work on the right things and 2) Keep stress-levels low.

Looking ahead, my theme for 2023 is Live a full life and try out retirement. Our family is making a concerted effort to do new and memorable things. I’m going to take some time off work.

Happy planning! Here’s to a great 2023!

After you grab my “One Year Life Planning Guide”, you can check out some other freebies here.

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Brian Herriot, Fast Follow Investor @brianh